Are education and religion both only good in doses?
(click the pic for larger)
The similarities between education and faith are explored in this essay from the HuffingtonPost HERE from it:
The similarities between education and faith are explored in this essay from the HuffingtonPost HERE from it:
"[L]iberal learning is, after all, supposed to make us aware of how little we know. That's what Socratic insight is all about: we need to learn because we understand so little. Education should lead to intellectual humility as we become more aware of our own ignorance. Conservatives also prize education, after all, but they do so because it should deliver the lesson of intellectual humility. Education should . . .
How American Cities Commute (in graphic)
GO NYC! Check out that blue band!! How do we raise the salmony band? MORE BIKE LANES!! (click the pic for larger)
Penny gets a face lift! What a waste of time!
The penny is getting a cool new face-lift. Actually, it's a tail-lift. And who uses pennies anyway? Well, here's the DEAL.
Click HERE to add your name to a petition asking the CEO of Facebook to rethink a decision to use a dirty coal plant for power and to ask him to consider the social message he could send if he publicly chose renewable energy.
Only takes 10 seconds.
Only takes 10 seconds.
Meter Mades - a bike rack revolution
My year in unintentional video clips - VIDEO
Some fun I had with the useless clips that result from, in my opinion, a poorly designed camera. Just for fun.
Energy Positive Building in Austria
Gallery HERE.
It's Time for BOROUGH QUIZ!! [gong!]
Back after another long winter hiatus, it's

Any idea where these kids are discovering NYC's first NEW SUBWAY STATION in over 20 years? Answer and some more pix next week!
Sights, Blights and Hi-lights from NYC's Fantastic Five!!

Any idea where these kids are discovering NYC's first NEW SUBWAY STATION in over 20 years? Answer and some more pix next week!
Hippo-crazy Repugs love the big scissors!
Maybe you remember the whole lot of right-wingnuts decrying the stimulus monies? Forecasting doom and horrible devastation? Refusing to accept help EVEN if it meant leaving their sobbing constituents square on the tracks? Trying to entertain one another with their party loyalty by acting the penny-pinchers? Doing EVERYTHING in their power to kill the Recovery Act? Well, after the handouts were made and as the dust is settling, one image is coming into focus. It's the one to the left -- Republicans who smacked the President in the face, are now taking credit for his work. Remember these kids in school? Liars. Good news from ThinkProgress:
"In December, the Congressional Budget Office reported that the stimulus had successfully created up to 1.6 million jobs, and today, a report shows the Recovery Act will ultimately create 2.5 million jobs. Even the conservative American Enterprise Institute found that the stimulus had boosted the U.S. economy by 4 percent."
Hopey Changey Road
This is a little glossy for me, but some of that Hopey Changey stuff is ok once in a while, right?
Levity with Sleeves.
Move over Snuggie Slanket, I've got something with fingers. How hilarious is this? Apparently everyone in Brooklyn has bad circulation. I guess if it gets you to turn your heat down to a reasonable level at night, then it's a good thing. I just think your laundry bill will go up. Also, what happens when one suddenly decides to lie on one's side? Douchequake!!!!
I want to kiss Norway on the mouth.
After the rest of the world yapped about making a difference in Copenhagen at this year's Climate Summit of Nothingness, and then returned to their dirty countries and made no real promises at all, NORWAY has come out as a shining hero by announcing that they will indeed meet thier goals for curbing carbon emissions and pledges to CUT CO2 EMISSIONS by 30% in TEN YEARS. And that plan includes infrastructure for electric cars, using more biofuels, creating more bike paths, carbon capture, and more.
Kill the Gays Bill Explained -- Video
This is legislation born of AMERICAN CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY work and frightening leaders of the conservative movement in the US who travel to Africa and whip into a frenzy the already Draconian impulses of existing leadership in, frankly, backward societies. It should be stopped. At the very least, the US involvment must be stopped.
Great News for Moynihan Station! $83 Mil Secured!!
Finally a visible apology for the slaughter of the old Penn Station! Let's review. We toppled and shoved this into the Hudson:
Bike Lanes Around the WORLD
Moving images from Haiti from Jonathan Auch
Some beautiful, some horrifying -- these are images from photojournalist Jonathan Auch's recent trip to survey and report the damaged lives of the Haitian people. Link below:
Fundamentalism is alive and well - or - Now who's the Army of One?
Don't Ask Don't Tell is going to be repealed. The nation's two top defense officials are seeking it's end. Heroes in our armed forces will no longer have to live lives of secrecy, and another shameful wall will come tumbling down.
“No matter how I look at the issue, I cannot escape being troubled by the fact that we have in place a policy which forces young men and women to lie about who they are in order to defend their fellow citizens,”Adm. Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee. Amazing video after the leap . . .
Fun with Spending - Obama's 2011 Budget Interactive Chart
Interactive Chart --- >> HERE . . . try clicking 2010 budget to watch DEFENSE EXPAND and HEALTH SHRINK!! Also click full screen so that you can get small enough to see the budget for RENEWABLE ENERGIES.
Exercise Win!!! Exercise Win!!!
Escalator FAIL, or Exercise WIN??
If a nation expects to be ignorant and free . . . (video)
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be"
--Thomas Jefferson
--Thomas Jefferson
Congratulations Wingnuts!!! Take out your OWN trash.
I wonder if these THOUSANDS of Christians are praying for trash collection? I don't think Jesus does that, but Colorado Springs -- home of freakishly popular and dangerous fringe operations like Focus on the Family and the Teabagger Revolution, is beginning to see what it means to have no taxes to bolster public services. From the Denver Post:
"More than a third of the streetlights in Colorado Springs will go dark Monday.
The police helicopters are for sale on the Internet. The city is dumping firefighting jobs, a vice team, burglary investigators, beat cops — dozens of police and fire positions will go unfilled.
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