I checked out the protest in Times Square . . . not bad for a last-minute rainy afternoon/evening . . . several hundred turned out to chant for NY1 and boo the Dems who voted against rights despite the unflagging financial and vocal support of many many gays. From towleroad:
Here are the eight "no" votes from Democrats on marriage equality in New York state today, along with their email addresses if you'd care to speak your mind. The percentage before their names (thanks to Towleroad commenter Tanner) represents — FYI — their 2008 general election percentages.
53% Aubertine (Upstate) - aubertin@senate.state.ny.us
53% Stachowski (Upstate) - stachows@senate.state.ny.us
58% Addabbo (Queens) - addabbo@senate.state.ny.us
81% Onorato (Queens) - onorato@senate.state.ny.us
93% Diaz (Bronx) - diaz@senate.state.ny.us
93% Kruger (Kings) - kruger@senate.state.ny.us
100% Huntley (Queens) - shuntley@senate.state.ny.us
100% Monserrate (Queens) - monserra@senate.state.ny.us
Looks like efforts need to focus on Queens, where four of the eight senators reside.
phone numbers for NYC Democrats who voted NO on Marriage Equality:
Joseph Addabbo (D) (518) 455-2322;
Darrel Aubertine (D) (518) 455-2761;
Ruben Diaz (D) (518) 455-2511;
Shirley Huntley (D) (518) 455-3531;
Carl Kruger (D) (518) 455-2460;
Hiram Monserrate (D) (518) 455-2529;
George Onorato (D) (518) 455-3486;
William Stachowski (D) (518)-455-2426.
Call em up if you need to vent . . . and see you at the rally tonight 6pm Times Square.
what's really upsetting is that Monserrate in particular used to be a vocal proponent of equal marriage rights... crazy...